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General Questions

The deep, blue veins in my shoulders, arms, chest, and legs are very visible. Should I be concerned?
General -1 answer
I don't think this is a new symptom, as I have never really paid attention to it before. I have always had remarks of "Oh I love this type of vein" when getting blood drawn, but recently I have noticed how visi... Read more
What is the blood flow pressure in the entrance and outlet of a paratibial perforating vein?
General -1 answer
I am a Master degree student of mechanical engineering. I study the blood flow behavior through the veins numerically. I would like to know the blood flow pressure in the entrance and outlet of a paratibial per... Read more
My ultrasound report is getting worse after a year. I have both superficial vein and deep vein reflux. Can ablation still help or make it worse?
General -1 answer
Can you predict outcome for ablation procedure for superficial vein? I have combination of both superficial and deep vein reflux - very severe. Common femoral veins 1168 ms reflux on right, 1248 ms on left - ... Read more
Should I take aspirin or blood thinner for a 15 hour flight?
General -1 answer
I have a 15-hour flight in Nov - in a first class seat, luckily. I have CVI with superficial and slight deep vein reflux. I wear 30-40 thigh compression stocking daily. I've never had a procedure done, never h... Read more
What is an occlusion in/on the lung?
General -1 answer
A friend is being admitted to the hospital with an occlusion in/on her right lung. Is this a clot or narrowing of a vein or artery of the lung? How do you treat this and what is the prognosis for a 63-year-old ... Read more
Can a varicose vein on the penis cause sex to be uncomfortable or painful?
General -1 answer
I am 23 years old and I have developed a varicose vein on my penis. The vein gives me slight discomfort. Will this or can this cause pain during sex in the future? Is there a treatment for penile veins? If so, ... Read more
Can you recommend effective lymphedema treatments?
General -1 answer
My daughter, age 55, has been diagnosed with lymphedema in her legs. Can you suggest effective treatments? Read more
Can treating CVI early prevent it from progressing?
General -1 answer
I was diagnosed with CVI last year. I have achy, heavy and burning leg sensations daily. I have no varicose veins, no swelling. I can't sit for long and can't stand for long. 70% of the time my legs are elevate... Read more
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I have bone on bone in my hip. Is there a support stocking to help ease the pain? I stand and walk for 8 hours per day.
General -1 answer
I have bone on bone in my hip, which causes a lot of pain when I walk. Is there a support stocking to help ease the pain? I stand and walk for 8 hours per day. Read more
How can you tell if spider veins are a sign of venous reflux/insufficiency?
General -1 answer
Aside from an ultrasound exam, are there any telltale signs that they could be something deeper? I have several spider veins on the outside of both thighs, and 3-4 on the back of my right knee. My mom has had s... Read more
I have pain in multiple veins. One day it could be in my hand the next in my leg. What should I do?
General -1 answer
I have pain in several of my veins. One day it could be in my hand and the next in my leg. This has been going on for a long time. I take pain killers to reduce the pain, but am seeking a better solution. What ... Read more
I had vein stripping done, but I'm concerned with this large, wide hard bump.
General -1 answer
It is in the upper inner thigh. Doesn't hurt anymore than the rest of the leg. I see my doctor in three weeks, so I thought I'd wait. The only other option is emergency, and that is a 12-hour wait in the hospi... Read more
I have extreme tightness and pain in both feet. On the top of right foot it feels like the muscle tightens up and it's painful when I stand. Why?
General -1 answer
I have extreme tightness and pain in both feet. On the top of right foot it feels like the muscle tightens up and it's painful when I try to stand. It feels like a Charlie horse. It takes a few minutes for the ... Read more
When above my heart, veins in my arms are sunken in not just smaller but be below surface. I've been taking spironolactone and estradiol valerate
General -1 answer
Been taking meds for about two years. Have tapered to a low dose. Have an endocrinologist appointment in a month. Haven't really had any other symptoms but some anxiety induced ones. Read more
There is a painful swollen lump with bulging veins on my inner thigh (near groin). Can you tell me what it is, and how to make it disappear?
General -1 answer
Bulging veins, peach-pit sized lump, red, swollen. Located between my bikini line and upper inner thigh. Doesn't appear to have a point where it should come to a head. Appeared around the start of my period. Read more
Can meralgia paresthetica cause a cluster of visible veins to develop?
General -1 answer
Several people in my meralgia paresthetica (MP) group have a cluster of veins near the MP area, not their thigh. Does that have anything to do with the MP? Read more
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