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Foam Sclerotherapy Questions

Pain in my foot following sclerotherapy
Foam Sclerotherapy -4 answers
I had UGS 5 months ago. The doctor then injected unguided foam into a vein on the front of my calf that went into the veins in my foot, I developed 2 ulcers at the front ankle I have had worsening pain ever sin... Read more
If you have spider veins in your lateral thigh, should treatment begin in the knee or upper thigh?
Foam Sclerotherapy -3 answers
I have spider veins in my lateral thigh. Should treatment begin in the knee or upper thigh? Read more
How long after foam sclerotherapy should you wait between sessions?
Foam Sclerotherapy -5 answers
I had foam sclerotherapy in February and developed phlebitis in my ankle and calf. The veins now look flacid and are refluxing with a dull ache. Can I have the foam re-done to eliminate these veins? the foam ... Read more
Is Foam scerotherapy used for the ablation of the Saphenous vein like EVLT or ligation?
Foam Sclerotherapy -10 answers
Is Foam Sclerotherapy effective on the larger variscosities of the legs and should this type of procedure be guided by ultrasound? A vascular surgeon stated ultasound guided Foam Sclerotherapy is safer than EVL... Read more
Continuation of therapy and what to expect.
Foam Sclerotherapy -1 answer
I had two treatments of sclerotherapy following gsv & ssv closure for heaviness and vein changes. I still have some veins that I would like to continue to try to get rid of as well as new ones popping up. I'm 3... Read more
Is foam sclerotherapy safe with TIA history?
Foam Sclerotherapy -4 answers
I had TIA 10 years ago. One vein specialist told me never to have sclerotherapy done for that reason. Another specialist told me he saw no problem whatsoever. Please advise... Read more
It's been 4 days since my sclerotherapy treatment and I'm very bruised and red. Is this normal?
Foam Sclerotherapy -1 answer
It's been 4 days since my sclerotherapy treatment and I'm very bruised. There's also a lot of redness spreading on my legs. Is this normal? When will it go away or get better? Read more
Does it make sense to perform a different procedure on each leg to treat reflux in the saphenous veins?
Foam Sclerotherapy -2 answers
I had a procedure to close saphenous veins on both legs. Two wks ago, the doctor performed endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) on the left. However, today, he decided to do ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy (UGF... Read more
I think a 30-40 thigh-high stocking is too long for me. Can I try a 20-30 knee-high stocking?
Foam Sclerotherapy -1 answer
I had foam sclerotherapy done yesterday; no DVT. I was given a 30-40 thigh-high stocking. It is much too tight and makes my foot is tingle. I took the stocking off and have kept the foot elevated. The tingling ... Read more
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is foaming tx safe and effective?
Foam Sclerotherapy -8 answers
Is foam sclerotherapy as or more effecfiive as traditional sclerotherapy? Are there more risks? Read more
Will new veins formed after foam sclerotherapy disappear?
Foam Sclerotherapy -1 answer
I'm a 20-year-old female. I had a laser treatment done on deep veins, then sclerotherapy on spider veins on my calf. It's been 3 weeks and I now have new red spider veins on the top and side of my shin. The ori... Read more
What solutions is used in foam scherotherapy?
Foam Sclerotherapy -2 answers
What solutions is used in foam scherotherapy? Read more
I have to wear very tight compression bandages plus compression stockings for one week, then just the stockings for another week. Is this right?
Foam Sclerotherapy -1 answer
The veins I had treated were the entire length of both legs and had to have large volumes of strong solution. However, I can hardly walk as the bandages are so tight. Read more
Is Foam Sclerotherpy risky if you have diabetes?
Foam Sclerotherapy -6 answers
Are there any dangers having this procedure if you are a diabetic with varicose veins? Read more
Leakage of foam sclerotherapy
Foam Sclerotherapy -3 answers
I have read on your site that it can be common for sclerotherapy to cause a clot or even possibly travel down the leg into the foot. How common is this? I have had sclerotherapy in the past, but now am apprehe... Read more
I was wondering how long it takes for 'skin lightening' to go away post sclerotherapy?
Foam Sclerotherapy -5 answers
I was wondering how long it takes for 'skin lightening' to go away post sclerotherapy? Thanks so much! Read more
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