Is it safe or high risk to fly during my 4th week of pregnancy? Any harm to my pregnancy?

I am 4 weeks pregnant and will be travelling by plane and it's a domestic flight (small aircraft). The journey will only take about 1 hour.

Answers from doctors (5)

Vanish Vein and Laser Center

Published on Nov 19, 2019

Flying during your 4th week of pregnancy should be safe. I would recommend that you wear knee-length support hose 20-30mmHG and that you stay well hydrated.

Answered by Vanish Vein and Laser Center

Flying during your 4th week of pregnancy should be safe. I would recommend that you wear knee-length support hose 20-30mmHG and that you stay well hydrated.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Vascular Center and Vein Clinic of Southern Indiana

Published on Sep 04, 2017

Pregnancy increases the risk of blood clots. Wearing compression stockings with physical activity will lessen the risks of DVT.

Answered by Vascular Center and Vein Clinic of Southern Indiana

Pregnancy increases the risk of blood clots. Wearing compression stockings with physical activity will lessen the risks of DVT.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Hratch Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, RVT, RPVI, RPhS

Published on Sep 01, 2017

There should be no additional risk compared to someone who is not pregnant, especially for short flights. Everyone who flies should do targeted leg exercises to reduce the risk for developing deep vein thrombosis. You can read our open access ebook on our website called: Targeted Leg Exercises for Patients with Venous Insufficiency.

Answered by Hratch Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, RVT, RPVI, RPhS

There should be no additional risk compared to someone who is not pregnant, especially for short flights. Everyone who flies should do targeted leg exercises to reduce the risk for developing deep vein thrombosis. You can read our open access ebook on our website called: Targeted Leg Exercises for Patients with Venous Insufficiency.

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Vein Specialties of St. Louis

Published on Aug 31, 2017

Pregnant women are safe to travel with their doctors permission up to 7 or 8 months. You should be fine on such a short flight

Answered by Vein Specialties of St. Louis

Pregnant women are safe to travel with their doctors permission up to 7 or 8 months. You should be fine on such a short flight

Published on Jul 11, 2012

Smalling Vascular Institute

Published on Aug 31, 2017

The risk to your pregnancy is very minimal. I don't see a pregnancy risk to anyone with a flight that is less than two hours. And being early in your pregnancy- first trimester - is optimal as well. Bon Voyage!

Answered by Smalling Vascular Institute

The risk to your pregnancy is very minimal. I don't see a pregnancy risk to anyone with a flight that is less than two hours. And being early in your pregnancy- first trimester - is optimal as well. Bon Voyage!

Published on Jul 11, 2012

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