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Varicose Vein Treatment Questions

I'm 60 years old, is vein surgery something I can do?
Varicose Vein Treatment -26 answers
Am I too old for varicose vein surgery? Read more
The veins on my legs bulge throughout the day, could it be an early sign of varicose veins?
Varicose Vein Treatment -16 answers
I am noticing some blue reticular veins on my legs over the past couple years. They are beginning to seem more noticeable to me. They are light blue- not dark blue/purple. More recently, I have a few straight v... Read more
I have varicose veins on both legs. The unceasing pain in my leg often keeps me from sleeping. Is it time to see a doctor?
Varicose Vein Treatment -10 answers
I have varicose veins in both legs. One leg is more painful than the other. The left leg gives me constant pain. During my period the veins swell and are very painful. My right leg is worse with the protruding ... Read more
I had varicose vein treatment and was unable to find compression socks that would fit due to my weight. Should I be concerned?
Varicose Vein Treatment -8 answers
I had varicose vein treatment and was unable to find compression socks that would fit my legs due to my weight. My doctor said it was not safe for me to wear them if they were too tight. Do I need to be concern... Read more
I have genetic varicose veins. I'm planning to get pregnant soon. What's the best way to treat them?
Varicose Vein Treatment -8 answers
My husband and I want to start having babies. I don't know if I should treat them with laser/surgery now or if I should wait. What is the best way to treat them? Should I postpone my pregnancy until I treat the... Read more
Is long distance walking bad for varicose veins?
Varicose Vein Treatment -8 answers
Can long distance walking on hard surface (street pavement, cement) cause or speed up the process of development of new or existing varicose veins? If yes, what is the alternative? Should I use compression stoc... Read more
What's the worse that could happen if I don't treat my varicose veins?
Varicose Vein Treatment -7 answers
I have varicose veins, but I'm afraid to get them treated. What's the worse that could happen if I don't have them treated? Read more
I have a bluish lump on my right buttocks that sits right next to the seam of my underwear & about 2-3 inches to the side of my vaginal opening. Why?
Varicose Vein Treatment -6 answers
It is about an inch above where the fold of your leg and buttocks meet. During the last month it has been bothering me to sit and is sensitive to the touch. It seems to be bulging out more and more. I've had th... Read more
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How can I tell if I have varicose veins?
Varicose Vein Treatment -6 answers
The veins in my left leg bulge. I also have pain, especially when sitting or standing for long periods of time. Do I have varicose veins? Read more
I have really bad varicose veins, but just on one leg from the knee down. What should I do?
Varicose Vein Treatment -5 answers
The back of that leg they are bulging outward. It's very sensitive to touch and the more I stand the more my leg will hurt. Read more
Can I smoke after laser varicose vein treatment?
Varicose Vein Treatment -5 answers
Are my birth control pills causing my vein problems? What should I do?
Varicose Vein Treatment -5 answers
Im a 23 year old female.I started taking birth control pills one year ago, and now my veins are popping up all over my legs. My legs are botchy and red too. My left leg has the most prominent veins, but only on... Read more
Why am I seeing spider-like veins in my hip area and upper abdomen?
Varicose Vein Treatment -4 answers
I am 28 years old, healthy, fair-skinned and have an implant in my arm. I just noticed spider-type veins becoming visible in my hip area and they are spreading to my upper abdomen. Like I seriously can see all ... Read more
I developed spider and varicose veins during my second pregnancy extending from top of foot to vaginal area. Is this normal?
Varicose Vein Treatment -4 answers
The painful varicose veins are only on the left side. Read more
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