You Cringe Each Time You See Your Spider Leg Veins Before Photos

Updated on: August 18, 2014

You used to take pride in your lovely long legs. You noted that they were neither too fat, nor too skinny, and they were certainly quite long. You delighted in wearing short skirts to show them off. Thinking back on it, your legs should have been insured!

While your legs are back to their former glory, you still sometimes get flashbacks involving your spider leg veins before photos. Your legs started to lose their luster in your mid-thirties. You were lounging by your pool, and saw one of those dratted little things winding its way around your calf.

Unfortunately, that was also the day that your husband decided to take a picture of you with your child on your lap. That picture has since banished into the box labeled "Spider Leg Veins Before Photos". Yes, maybe that's odd, but you admit that you're vain (no pun intended).

Needless to say, you were in denial about those unsightly marks on your legs, and continued to wear your short skirts, sans nylons too! Thinking back on it, family and friends were just being polite in not mentioning them. For the next few years, any pictures that were taken of you at an event were spider leg veins before photos.

Finally, you realized that something needed to be done. You went to see the dermatologist, who took numerous spider leg veins before photos, and you cringed with each click. After some reconstructive surgery, your legs look fabulous again. It's time to go shopping for even shorter skirts!

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