Are Varicose Veins a disease?

Updated on: August 18, 2014

Yes, varicose veins are a disorder of the veins.

In some individuals, the superficial veins in the leg lose their elasticity and start to collect blood. As the vein starts to collect blood, it engorges and produces varicosities. These large superficial clusters of veins are easily seen on the thigh and leg.

The superficial veins have very little muscle surrounding them and thus are unable to sustain any pressure in them. Any condition that causes high pressures, can lead to development of varicose veins.

Varicose veins are more common in women and become noticeable in the 3-4th decade of life. If nothing is done, varicose veins generally progress and can lead to a number of problems including discoloration of skin, ulcers and pain in the leg

Not all women with varicose veins have symptoms. However, their cosmetic appearance leads many individuals to seek treatment. The treatment depends on the location and degree of varicose veins.

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