Ambulatory Phlebectomy and the Removal of Varicose Veins

Updated on: August 18, 2014

A lot of individuals who are experiencing varicose veins in the Victoria, Texas area feel embarrassed or otherwise troubled by the condition. Many feel pain and heaviness in the legs as a result of the condition, and seek treatment to overcome it. Those who are interested in relieving this condition should seek consultation to go over the many minimally-invasive treatments available such as ambulatory phlebectomy. This is a procedure in which a specialist will remove problem veins through tiny incisions. Vein hooks are used to grab the veins for removal. A local anesthetic is used instead of a general one, which improves recovery time.

The first step in the procedure is to mark the problem veins for removal. The patient will stand and the specialist will use a surgical marker to indicate which veins are going to be removed. Then the patient will lie face-up on a table, and the local anesthetic will be injected along the problem vein that's being treated. Many specialists will use a high volume, low concentration anesthetic because it helps to pull veins from the nearby tissue, and also helps to suppress capillaries to reduce the amount of postoperative bleeding.

After the treatment area has been properly anesthetized, the incisions are made over the problem vein. The vein hooks are then used to remove the problem veins. The procedure requires incisions that are so small that sutures are not necessary, and the incisions even allow for excess fluid to drain after the procedure is complete. Pads will be placed next to the leg to absorb any fluids, and the leg will be wrapped with a compression bandage. The compression bandage should be left in place for about two days, and then compression stockings are worn for about three weeks to continue to aid the healing process.

Patients are usually allowed to return to work after a few days, but should avoid prolonged standing and heavy lifting for the first several weeks. It's important that patients follow any recovery instructions given to them by their Victoria vein specialist to help ensure a safe and healthy recovery. As with any procedure, there are certain risks of which patients such be aware and should discuss with their specialist. These may include bleeding and infection, although these are less common with ambulatory phlebectomy than traditional vein stripping procedures. Most incisions heal without scarring, although those with darker skin may require a longer period of time before the area fully fades away.

As far as insurance coverage, insurance companies may cover the cost of treatment after patients first try more conservative methods of treatment such as wearing compression stockings, losing weight, or exercising. Note, however, that these conservative methods of treatment do not eliminate the problem but rather treat its conditions. To get rid of varicose veins, they must be removed or destroyed. Patients should speak with a doctor and their insurance company for more information about coverage of the procedure's costs.

Learn more about ambulatory phlebectomy in Victoria, Texas.

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